Welcome to

Mind Body Sports Rehab

& Core Fitness Training


Let’s Getting Started!


You're here because you want to take the first steps towards improving your life through fitness. It's not an easy journey, we know. There's so much information available to you and so many conflicting thoughts that it can be hard to navigate through it all and pick out the right path for you. 

The team at MB Sports Rehab & Core Fitness Training is a group of expert physical therapists and strength coaches. We have a big gym in Hollywood, Florida, just outside Ft. Lauderdale/Miami (click here to learn about working with us if you are in the Ft. Lauderdale/Miami area). So everything we recommend in this program is straight from what we do with our in-person clients. In a nutshell, we know what works.

Through this course, we've outlined what we believe to be the optimal path for your success with fitness and your health. We've divided up your fitness journey into 4 stages that provide you with clear, actionable milestones and action steps to work through in order to ensure your long term progress towards changes that stick. 

In this course you'll find 5 different modules, each with a series of lectures. The modules are:

  • The Mind Body Success Path

  • The 5 Pillars of Fitness Success

  • The 5 Pillars of Nutrition

  • The Big 3 Movement Patterns

  • Your 4-Week Foundations Program

The Mind Body Success Path

Our proven success path gives you all the tools you need to be successful in your fitness journey. It's a step-by-step approach we've developed that takes you from wherever you're starting at to anywhere you want to go. 

Your lectures in this module are:

  • Your Fitness Success Path

  • Step 1: Setting the Stage

  • Step 2: Building the Foundation

  • Step 3: Training with a Purpose

  • Step 4: Consistently Challenging

By breaking this up into digestible chunks, you're able to immerse yourself in the tools you need to be successful at that particular stage of your fitness journey without being overwhelmed by other concepts that might not be as important at that point. 

If you follow this path, we know you're going to accomplish your goals.

The 5 Pillars of Fitness Success

Our 5 pillars are built around the idea that if you truly want to get the most out of your fitness routine, then slaving away on the treadmill or pigeon holing yourself into doing just one type of thing day after day, month after month just aren't going to yield the best results. 

If you want the most out of your fitness routine, you need a more comprehensive, well rounded approach that includes all 5 of our pillars, which are:

  • Train All Qualities of Fitness

  • Movements, Not Muscles

  • Strength Is The Foundation

  • Don't Add Strength On Top of Dysfunction

  • Train With A Purpose

In this module you'll find a video overviewing all 5 pillars as well as individual lectures that explain each in more depth.

The 5 Pillars of Nutrition

The most important thing proper nutrition does is play a role in everyday function. When you’re eating a majority of whole foods your body is getting plenty of vitamins and nutrients to help it run like the well oiled machine it is. We want your body to work for you not against you. 

When you start to incorporate strength training, proper nutrition helps provide you the energy to get through your workouts as well as optimal muscle recovery. Regardless of your personal goals, nutrition will ultimately play a large role in the success of actually achieving these goals. 

We breakdown the 5 Pillars of Nutrition:

  1. Why Nutrition Matters

  2. Tracking Your Food

  3. What Are Macros?

  4. SMART Goal Setting

  5. Creatine Routines and Habits

The Big 3 Movement Patterns

Two core philosophies in our training are that we focus on:

  • Training movements, not just specific muscles

  • Prioritizing strength over other qualities like endurance, power, etc.

It would be difficult to focus on building strength in every movement pattern all at once, so we take this a step further and prioritize building strength in the three movements we feel have the biggest overall impact early on in your fitness journey, which are:

  • Hinge

  • Squat

  • Press

These are also some of the toughest movements to master early on, so we developed lectures and demonstration videos specifically for each movement pattern to help you get started. 

Don't worry, you're absolutely going to get stronger in other movements as well. You'll also see a balanced diet of:

  • Pulling - Pull-ups, Rows, etc.

  • Single Leg Movements - Lunges, Step-ups, Single Leg Squats, etc.

  • Core Training - Planks, Carries, and other variations

Your 4-Week MB Foundations Program

We know the hardest part of any new journey is getting started. That's why we designed our MB Foundations program to guide you from where you're at right now to the gym without feeling intimidated or by yourself.

This program teaches you the foundational movement and lifting patterns to be successful on your fitness journey. In addition, this program gives you a specific roadmap for how to approach getting started with fitness and building momentum towards your goals!

Final Thoughts

We know even this can feel like a lot when you're getting started. Treat this information just as it's presented; modules and lectures. It's not intended to be digested all in one day, or one week even. Our intention is that if you take things step-by-step rather than as a crash course, you'll set the stage for long term health and fitness success rather than a crash course to burnout.

Good luck!