Man sacrifices his health in order to make money.
Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.
And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present;
the result being that he does not live in the present or the future;
he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived
-Dalai Lama

What to expect
At M≈B Sports Rehab:
• We work one-on-one with each of our patients to establish a treatment program that addresses their individual goals and needs.
• We listen with the intent to understand where you are physically and emotionally.
• We ensure our patients are given the opportunity to return to the highest level of function possible.
We use a multifaceted approach involving:
therapeutic exercise
manual techniques
patient education
home exercise programs
Initial Evaluation:
Learn more about your current situation and your future goals.
Bio-mechanical Assessment
We assess from head to toe to learn more about how your body functions as a whole. The area where you are encountering pain or symptoms may not be the actual cause of those symptoms.
Following a discussion regarding your diagnosis, treatment will begin that day.
Detailed plan of your treatment process, along with your custom program.
The physiotherapy provides patients with the resources they need to get their health on track — you’ll leave us well informed and confident that your health is in good hands.
If you’re looking for quality Pre/Post-op Physical Therapy, then we're here for you. Our professional team is here to guide our patients and their families every step of the way. Stop by and schedule an appointment to experience firsthand how our Post-op Physical Therapy can help your health today.
In addition to our training protocols, we provide a thorough assessment for bio-mechanical deficiencies, muscular imbalances and structural impairments. This allows us to take a comprehensive approach to ensure that all of our athletes increase athletic performance and decrease the likelihood of injury.
To learn more regarding some of the different manual therapy and techniques used please click the link below.
•Functional Dry Needling •Cupping •Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization •
•Active Release Technique •Myofascial Release •
Multidisciplinary Approach
We communicate with other healthcare providers, including referring physicians, chiropractors, pain management doctors, and sports performance coaches, to provide comprehensive care and optimize results.
Prepare for your visit
During your visit we value your time and your money. In order to get the most out of your time with us, it is important we are proactive and work to be as informed as possible. In the link below is a patient intake form. This will give us some background on your condition and what you personally have been going through while navigating your own healthcare. While filling out paper work can be a little time consuming the more we know about you, the more prepared we can be for your arrival and your initial evaluation. Not to mention you will not be wasting part of your scheduled appointment or having to come in an hour earlier just to fill out the paperwork. So take a moment to work the the formant and come ready to work!