Functional Movement Assessment


What is a functional movement assessment & why should you have one?

A functional assessment takes a look at your greatest piece of equipment, your body.  Maybe you have heard from your golf professional you need to rotate your shoulders more, or perhaps your posture at address needs to be more upright.  Chances are you understood what your golf professional was asking of you, but you were getting frustrated with your inability to accomplish the task, or worse, you sustained an injury trying. 

A functional movement assessment is designed to determine any physical limitations that you may be experiencing. This will help your professional team fine tune your biomechanics, help prevent injuries and help you get the most out of your game. 

Two different types of assessments may be performed based on your physical needs, TPI's physical assessment or a selective functional movement assessment. 


1. TPI's Physical Assessment

TPI's Physical Screen uses 16 fundamental movement patterns a tool used to identify limitations or asymmetries that are keys to functional movement quality in individuals with no current pain complaint or known musculoskeletal injury. 

2. Selective Functional Movement Assessment

In the event pain is observed during testing of TPI's Physical Screen, the screen is stopped and it is necessary to see a medical professional.  A medical professional will further asses your pain and will treat your pain / dysfunction accordingly. 



At Mind ≈ Body Sports Rehab we combine the knowledge of a PGA golf professional and a medical professional to assess and overcome any limitations you may encounter.  In the event we discover pain or dysfunction, as licensed physical therapists, we use various therapeutic tools to reduce pain and restore function.