Setting The Stage
Welcome to the start of your fitness success path!
You've already made a huge leap by simply committing to the journey. During this phase, we'll start by discovering the "why" behind your motivation. Not only is this important information for us to have, but it's crucial for you to be aware of and use as a consistent reminder of why you set on this path towards a stronger, healthier lifestyle.
Goals of Step 1:
Establish your 'why' and make a commitment to fitness
Optimize your body's mobility and potential imbalances
Teach you basic exercises for each foundational movement pattern (hinge, squat, push, pull, lunge/step)
Teach and emphasize the importance of basic nutrition concepts for healthy living to support your workouts
The first thing we want you to have is our Goal Mapping Worksheet. Hopefully, it will help you clarify the 'why' behind your fitness goals and set you on the path to success:
Click here to view the Goal Mapping Worksheet
There are a few important sections to that worksheet:
Establishing Your Why
Acknowledging Your Obstacles
Short and Long Term Planning
The 5 Pillars
Familiarize yourself with the 5 Pillars of Fitness, and the 5 Pillars of Nutrition. These pillars are a great starting point to begin to work on your long term success in the gym and your healthy lifestyle.
You will find those modules later on within this program.
Establishing Your Why
It's not enough to just have a fitness goal if you don't understand what emotional factors drive you towards it. Rather than just saying "I want xyz goal" we ask you to explain what motivates you to reach those goals.
Having an understanding of this gives deeper purpose to your training and other health related decisions and will make you more likely to stick to it!
Acknowledging Your Obstacles
Chances are that this isn't the first time you've considered these goals. Somewhere along the way there have been obstacles that prevent you from succeeding with your goals to the extent you want to.
Acknowledging these obstacles will allow you to look at them objectively, decipher why they're preventing you from reaching your goals and how you can avoid or minimize them going forward.
Short Term Action Steps
Short term action steps take your bigger, outcome based goals and chunk them into smaller, process based steps that will eventually build you towards your ultimate goal.
This is a process based approach that keeps you motivated and helps you keep sight of where you are along your journey because we know change can be daunting and at times it's hard to see how far you've really come!
Take the time to sort out your goals from the section, 'Establishing Your Why' into your individual short term action steps!
Long Term Accountability
Setting a plan is an awesome first step! Now, you need to come up with a plan to hold yourself accountable. Determining what measures of progress (pictures, scale weight, weight lifted, # of days at the gym, etc) work for you and a specific timeline for checking in with yourself is a necessary step if you want to be successful long term.
By using this tactic you can periodically reflect on your weeks/months, determine if progress was made, and make alterations to your action steps if needed to continue on the path towards your goals!
Your Training Plan
The most important things at this stage in your fitness journey with regards to training revolve around setting a strong foundation that you can build on going forward. Specifically, your training program should:
Optimize your body's mobility and potential imbalances
Teach you basic exercises for each foundational movement pattern (hinge, squat, push, pull, lunge/step)
We know the hardest part of any new journey is getting started. That's why we designed this 4-week foundations program to guide you from where you're at right now to the gym without feeling intimidated.
This program teaches you the foundational movement and lifting patterns to be successful on your fitness journey.
In addition, this program gives you a specific roadmap for how to approach getting started with fitness and building momentum towards your goals!
This 4-week Foundations Program is just the tip of the iceberg of what we have to offer you to help reach your fitness goals. Whenever you're ready, we have programs designed to take you to the next level in your fitness success journey.
How To Progress to Step 2
In order to move on to Phase 2 and be as successful as possible in your fitness journey you should have:
Have a clear understanding of your 'why'
Followed a training program consistently for 3 months
Understand the basic movement patterns and exercises
An understanding of the 5 pillars of nutrition